Fairly good
Overall a pretty good game, but there is some points where it could be better. The artwork and design was wonderfully done. The music was also well conceived and designed. There is no doubt that they are really what makes this game great.
I think the biggest sticking point for me was the controls. Normally for puzzle type games they wouldn't matter too much, however on some levels your game require perfect timing in order to reach the exit and that is where it really is just torturous. I don't remember what specific level it was but there was a point where I just almost quit because it was so frustrating control the main character without him dying over and over. I don't have to say how much it's a big point to have perfect control of a character when perfect timing is required.
All in all, the puzzles were fairly challenging and were enjoyable to figure out and solve. I found it very interesting that you decided to make the final boss more of a response type game, rather than one final puzzle; nothing wrong with that but an very interesting choice you'd made. Despite some of it's shortcomings, it's still a pretty fun game to play with an entertaining story. Keep up the good work!