An update of the Wi/Ht? Member list. Previous list is here; where there is a 167 day difference between them.
Here are the ranking by Total Stats of Wi/Ht? Members as of May 22, 2010.
#_ | _Exp_ | _B/Ps_ | Posts | Revs_ | Total_ | Username
01 | 18580 | 152892 | _7266 | _1758 | 180496 | AfroUnderscoreStud
02 | 29949 | 133976 | _3248 | __211 | 166384 | Wylo
03 | 24830 | _95981 | _9900 | ___68 | 130779 | ReconRebel
04 | 20700 | _77777 | 21367 | _1240 | 121084 | Bahamut
05 | 22110 | _74272 | 17905 | _2724 | 117011 | Coop833
06 | 21570 | _52002 | 18022 | 19606 | 111220 | XwaynecoltX3
07 | 16880 | _68336 | 24993 | __372 | 110581 | BonusStage-2
08 | 27640 | _69765 | 12000 | __761 | 110166 | gfoxcook-1
09 | 24550 | _82321 | _3080 | ___82 | 110033 | MPA-3
10 | 25230 | _63935 | 13427 | _1767 | 104359 | iscrulz
11 | 18740 | _63031 | 10813 | __405 | _92989 | BlueHippo
12 | 23050 | _63926 | _4665 | __108 | _91749 | leeboy105
13 | 18960 | _60939 | _5634 | __721 | _86254 | Auz1
14 | 13860 | _68257 | _1334 | ___14 | _83485 | Qwoxyl-1
15 | 18945 | _50054 | __686 | ___36 | _69721 | shunshuu
16 | 17820 | _42335 | _4417 | _2157 | _66729 | Haggard2
17 | 25025 | _32759 | _7807 | ___16 | _65607 | FIGMENTUM-1
18 | 22420 | _30000 | 12238 | __377 | _65035 | life-1
19 | 26172 | _18148 | 15793 | _1556 | _61669 | jonthomson
20 | _9220 | _51159 | __543 | __104 | _61026 | byteslinger8
21 | 26370 | _30022 | _2307 | __329 | _59038 | Myst-1
22 | 14878 | _40039 | _3128 | __174 | _58219 | zimzap NEW!
23 | 20895 | _31278 | _3851 | __128 | _56152 | Xiivi
24 | 13390 | _36179 | _5875 | __262 | _55705 | Mazza-3
25 | 11110 | _32681 | _9773 | _2009 | _55573 | Fro
26 | 17960 | _30686 | _5971 | __286 | _54913 | lightning-4
27 | 17610 | _34850 | _1566 | __164 | _54190 | Kronno-3
28 | 13560 | _28993 | 11257 | __196 | _54006 | NEVR-2
29 | _9145 | _36986 | _4482 | __130 | _50746 | D0GMA-2
30 | 14990 | _29661 | _3564 | __400 | _48615 | XkwixiTOnE-1
31 | 12120 | _27254 | _7082 | __188 | _46644 | Tommy-1
32 | 12780 | _20596 | _7638 | __240 | _41254 | Casualty
33 | 14580 | __5169 | 21269 | ___96 | _41114 | Dobio-2
34 | 11420 | _24979 | _2744 | __276 | _39419 | Sir-Nuts-1
35 | 13315 | _20945 | _2372 | __120 | _36752 | reverend1
36 | _9810 | _15002 | _8701 | __129 | _33642 | absent-2
37 | _6630 | _21126 | __611 | ___40 | _28407 | Perceptor-2
38 | 12840 | __7922 | _3849 | __142 | _24753 | the-phantom-spacker
39 | _8170 | __9618 | _5476 | __342 | _23606 | RedCircle-1
40 | _4575 | _16115 | _2127 | ___27 | _22844 | ShittyKitty-1
41 | 13310 | __5153 | _4130 | ___77 | _22670 | Alkador
42 | 11950 | __5037 | _4254 | __347 | _21288 | Hybrid-Of-Souls-1
43 | _7670 | _10262 | _3049 | ___44 | _21025 | Ismael92 NEW!
44 | 13800 | __2620 | __666 | ____2 | _17088 | Afterburner-2
45 | _7850 | __6809 | _1318 | __533 | _16510 | Sonofkirk-2
46 | 10584 | __2299 | _2699 | __327 | _15909 | Transformers-2
47 | _4570 | ___803 | _6218 | __502 | _12093 | macdeth-2
48 | _5470 | __2490 | _2797 | ___87 | _10840 | SpiffyMasta NEW!
49 | _1875 | __7447 | __594 | ____5 | __9921 | Drimarki-3
50 | _2095 | __5719 | _1696 | ___10 | __9520 | redruM-3
Yay! I'm not at the bottom of the list :D